Dr Aaron W Jones | Carbon Estimates

Household Estimates

For reference I summarize the manufacturing emissions of some household items.

Item CO2 Emissions (kg) Method Source
Fridge 400 Directly from source ethicalconsumer.org
Washing Machine 200 Directly from source ethicalconsumer.org
Dishwasher 200 Directly from source ethicalconsumer.org
Microwave 116 Normalized fridge estimate by mass of appliance Approximate mass of appliance is 18 kg
Toaster 22 Normalized fridge estimate by mass of appliance Approximate mass of appliance is 3.4 kg
Sofa bed 88 Directly from source 2011 Furniture Industry Research Association Report (Benchmarking Carbon Footprints of Furniture Products)
Vacuum Cleaner 98 Normalized fridge estimate by mass of appliance Approximate mass of appliance is 15 kg